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The Church of St. Andrew, Shrivenham, Oxfordshire

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This is our interpretation of the inscription on this memorial and therefore might not be accurate.


                JOHN WILDMAN
Beckett in the County of Berks Esqr:

Whose Excellent Natural Parts &
..nty Dispositions had been Happily
.. ivated by a Liberal Education,
Experience, & the knowledge of many
of the most Useful Parts Of Learning.

He was a Strict Observer of All Publick
and private Vertues; a Great Lover of the
English Constitution, & had the utmost
Abhorrence of all Oppression and Tyranny.

His Friendships were Sincere and
Di...ed, his Candor great & Extensive
Tho ... he was very indulgent to
Others, No Man was more Severe to His self.

The Sweetness of his Temper & the
Modesty of his Behaviour, Tender’d
him a most agreable Husband, Master,
Neighbour, and Aquaintance.

And his F... Piety was such as
made him prefer Confinement for many
Years with his Father, a Prisoner of State
in the Island of Scilly in the Reigne of
King Charls ye 2nd, to the full Enjoyment
of his Liberty.

If after This you can Ask his Religion,
it was purely Christian; and Consisted
on a close Imitation of the Blessed Author
of it, Free from the Superstition &
Uncharitable Hea-s of the Several
Partys that Profess it.

He Always Approv’d of the
Roman Custom of Adoption; and
Follow’d it, by Appointing
JOHN SHUTE of the Inner
Temple Esq:, No wayes Alli’d
to him, to Succeed to his Estate.
of Beckett Knt. Alderman of
the City of London, and Post-
Master General, Father of the
afore Named; Who Died in the
Year 1693, & in ye 72d. Year of his Age.

His Integrity, Humility, and
Publick Spirit thou may’st Learn
from the Directions he left in
His Will, Dated Ye 14th of Octobr
in the Year 1670.

"And as to my Body, my
Desire is that no vain Pomp
or Ceremony be us’d about it
or the Interment thereof.

Yet if my Executors shall
think fitt, let there be some
Stone of small Price Set near
my Ashes, that may withoug
foolish Flattery Signify to
Posterity, that in this Age a
Man Liv’d, who Spent the best
of his Age in Prisons without
Crime; being Conscious of no
Offence towards Man, for
that he so Lov’d his God
that he could serve no Man
Will; & Wisht the Liberty
and Happiness of his Country
and All Mankind.

But I Will not this for
any Other End, than that
Occasionally some Good
Reflections may be Excited
in some Excellent Minds
by their Reading such an

By Him this Monument is Erected

In the Year


Wife of JOHN WILDMAN Esqr.
2d Wife of Sr. Jn. WILDMAN Knt.

Who both Dyed without Issue.

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