Roll of Honour at The Church of St. Katharine, Savernake, Wiltshire

Men from the Parish of St. KATHARINE'S
who served in the King's Forces
in the GREAT WAR
1914 ~ 1919

~~~ On Foreign Service ~~~

Most Hon. The Marquess of Ailesbury, D.S.O., T.D.
Charles Dorsan Baker Ernest George Hillier Charles Henry Smith
Albert Henry Barrett William Knight   Alfred James Stone
Cyril George Bushnell Thomas Martin   Robert Charles Stone
John David Cantillon William George Mills Renford Earle Oswald Stroud  
Charles Harty Chandler Frederick James Mills Charles John Tandy
George William Frederick Chandler Frederick Norris Herbert Inman Taylor
William Chun Edward James Norris Edward Jacob Tilley
Frederick John Crosby Louis George Norris William James Tilley
Edward Arthur Cox William Palmer   George Smith Todd
Arthur George Davis Albert Peaty Charles Edward Vincent
Albert Edward Gigg John Menzies Prall Joshua Waters
Charles Gilbert William Campbell Ratcliffe Graham Webb
William Robert Gosling  M.M.   John Duncan Campbell Ratcliffe Henry Frank Whitbread  
Caleb Harris George Roffe Andrew George Whitbread  M.M.
William Henry Hillier  S.G.M. Albert Henry Roffe Edgar Tom Wilmott  M.M.
James Hillier Charles Roffe William Alexander Willmott
Arthur William Hillier   Allan Frederick Shepherd   Lionel Leycester Wootton  M.M.

~~~ On Home Service~~~

Frederick Ernest George Arthurs Albert Edward Cope Frederick John Tilley
Frederick James Belton Frederick James Hillier Josiah Webb
Thomas Arthur Chandler Albert James Rushent William James White

†   The names of the eight Men who fell
in the War are also recorded on the
Memorial in the Church Yard